Entries by Vinicius

Digital health: What is it and what are its benefits?

9 min. de leitura

Thinking about digital health initially brings to mind the replacement of the analog flow of information with digital environments. However, it is not just about swapping paper for computer files. In this article you will gain an understanding of what digital health is, why it is crucial to promote it, the benefits of the solutions […]

Startup Lab: Portal CEO visits universities in northeastern Brazil for R&D partnerships

2 min. de leitura

This past week, the CEO of Portal Telemedicine, Rafael Figueroa, in a Startup Lab project, visited the State University of Piaui (UESPI) and the Federal University of Piaui (UFPI). Rafael participated in the opening of the Startup Lab, a UESPI entrepreneurship program that was accelerated by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He participated in […]